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Commercial cinema has changed. ambient lounge® provides next-level seating to the world's biggest (and coolest) outdoor cinemas.

21 Feb 2024
by James Brandon
deakin university ambient lounge bean bags

As global commercial cinema-watching habits change - people are now looking for an experience they can't get easily inside their own home. Simply put, there has been a huge shift from traditional indoor cinemas to epic outdoor cinema with hybrid entertainment experiences with alternative seating (especially designed for couples and families).

Evolution Bean Bag chairs in Silverline for outdoor cinema

Most potential cinemagoers now can afford large screen TVs and good quality speaker systems at home ... so the halycon days of indoor commercial cinema at places like Hoyts or Village Cinemas have dwindled; even more since the pandemic raised issued of personal safety into that mix.

Pic below: ambient lounge bean bag seating at a London street cinema.

Evolution outdoor bean bags in toro red by ambient lounge

Watching movies outside the home is now as much about the environment and experience itself. Enter ambient lounge® bean bags, mild weather and sweeping outdoor venues. We've been involved in setting up some of the world's coolest outdoor cinemas right from the design phase. 

Here are a few outdoor cinema examples:

Backyard Cinema - UK.

From Miami beach theme to outdoor "winterville" maze and fairy light labyrynth in clapham common - backyard cinema group don't do ordinary cinema. 

Epic Outdoor Cinema design with ambient lounge bean bag

ambient lounge® have helped designed 2 * 300 seater outdoor cinema layouts (with weatherproof, lightweight seating)  for both venues to both maximize the experience and also the capacity.

Such eye-candy, feelgood vibe and outside atmosphere make for instagram-able moments to remember ...

(Video Below: Press play to see the setup of the amazing miami-themed beach cinema unfold below with ambient lounge® custom-made modular seating)


Moonlight Cinema - Australia

An aussie outdoor cinema icon since the mid 90's - ambient lounge® have been a fixture of the Australian Moonlight Cinema nationally for more than 15 years. The centrepiece has been the iconic Melbourne Botanical gardens site - with bats, city skyline and sweeping greenery making it a special couples dating or family-picnic night.

Moonlight Cinema branded bean bag chairs by ambient lounge

Pic Above: couples relax on ambient lounge's custom designed (and now iconic) Moonlight cinema bean bags. With low seating so that the view isn't impeding people behind but a headrest for long sessions of comfort.

Moonlight Cinema have gone a good, better, best approach with ambient lounge bean bags at each state venue. Standard, durable bean bags have been a staple for the thousands of punters that wish to rent out comfy full body lounges. Quilted "grass class" bean bags with some perks are the mid-level bean bag cinema seating + premium platinum class use the Avatar Sofa's in Titanium weave as their top-level product - with higher headrests - champagne, blankets and nibblies throughout the movie.

The result are punters that can customize their experience to their budget and walk away smiling (as long as the move itself was decent enough).

Outdoor Cinema Hire:

ambient lounge also provide up to 100 bean bag chairs for hire with their beanbaghire model that has proven popular with event managers, especially in Sydney & Melbourne. If you're thinking of trialling out how your own outdoor cinema might look in a space, this is the perfect low-cost way to set it up and check it out. 

Moonlight Cinema & Backyard Cinema are two of many of our outdoor cinema clients. If you are an Australian outdoor cinema designer and would like a free design consultancy with ambient lounge soft, structured furniture, please contact us. We are equipped to do 3D & concept renders for your new outdoor cinema concept or space. Please call our ambient lounge special project manager on 1300 707 121 for more info.