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Australians are renowned world leaders in refined relaxation & innovation.

Since 2005, the Aussie-led Ambient Lounge® group have been breaking through preconceptions and transforming the humble (and maligned) bean bag into inspiring soft furniture objects of desire. Creative, lightweight, structured, modular, contemporary, lounge solutions for next-level home cinema interiors and outdoor lifestyles.

It all started in 1998 with a passionate concept of Melbourne born designer & founder Grant Morris - to make beautiful, sophisticated, commercial grade soft furniture with real structure & practical beauty … out of premium materials. Adult, sophisticated bean bag furniture for interior designers and architects - not just for kids.

Influenced by the creative Australian contemporary interior design landscape, fused with a relaxed lifestyle and a hint of Melbourne café & urban culture, Grant and his design team dared to breathe life into a tired category with next-level lounge solutions.

As epic wide-eyed travelers - the Ambient Lounge® crew had a global vision that cushion culture is timeless & loved in almost every country in some shape or form – meaning there were no boundaries for growth and innovation if combined with modern textures. Comfortable, low, structured, cushioned seating knows no language and held no barriers and has occupied people homes for hundreds of years from Istanbul, New York, St Petersburg, London, Cairo, Shanghai, Amsterdam to Kyoto.

Ambient Lounge acoustic sofa bean bag in Cambodia Lightweight Butterfly Sofa bean bag by Ambient Lounge in Tokyo

bean bags for melbourne to tokyo ambient lounge modular series

(Pictured Above): Ambient Lounge Mod2 Twin series in Tokyo design house.

An easy journey? No. It’s tough swimming against the tide and pioneering a new category of furniture. Years of research, sketches, resources, samples, sweat and tears went into the development of the quality range that’s has now evolved into the peerless Gold class collection that includes beautiful soft modular lounge solutions.

Inventors of the ingenious patented Funnlweb “zip & tip” system, complex internal tensile elastic structures, quilted form seating and premium tactile bean bag fabrics – this brand stands peerless in soft furniture. Ambient Lounge® have carved out a niche that struck a chord with new-age home owners and commercial venues that needed something beautiful & designer casual that enhance the experience of their interior and outdoor living spaces.

WATCH HERE: Why Ambient Lounge® have revolutionized bean bag furniture with the Funnelweb™ System:

Ambient Lounge® is now a global brand sold in most developed countries. Interior designers and opinion leaders agree that Ambient Lounge® bean bags are a paradigm shift in the evolution of bean bags. Ambient Lounge is seen in high profile projects for hotels, cafes, penthouses, cinemas, TV shows and luxury apartments - as well as student dorms and Air BnB housing.

In today's hectic times we all cherish our diminishing leisure time. So whether you are chilling out with a coffee, lost in an enthralling novel, gripped by a movie thriller or watching you favourite team take home the cup, your Ambient Lounge® bean bag furniture is the best seat in the house.

Enjoy life.

- Ambient Lounge® Australia Team

Ambient Lounge bean bags in College Green Bristol, UK

(Pictured Above): Ambient Lounge Twin Couch in the College Green Student Cinema, Bristol, UK