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soften your structures. adding value to designer residential seaside housing.

28 Jul 2017
by James Brandon

When you renovate or design a seaside home, it's not just about the structure. It's the lifestyle.

There's real beauty in combining hard and cold monochrome surfaces with tactile warm fabrics and a blue inviting ocean. Australia has a lucky-country abundance of coastline & coastal housing to capitalise on this. If your a residential project manager, combining our ambient lounge furniture can complete your bayside harbour design with the feeling of relaxed high design that you or your client were looking for.

Here are a few examples:

These award-winning eco houses are situated in the beautiful seaside area of Cornwall, UK. Blending soft sensitivity into killer hillside views, these homes open un invitingly and ooze that "Sunday relaxation” feel with some style. Natural woods and materials blend with vast openings to take advantage of the fresh breeze whilst retaining privacy and coziness.

The designer Ambient Lounge bean bags are the perfect harmonizer for the natural surroundings and the catalyst for years of feelgood living.

ambient lounge interior bean bags with seaside views

cornwall coastline and award winning views with ambient lounge conversion bean bags


Looks amazing.. great job by the UK crew.
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