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Our Ambient Lounge designer bean bags have been popping up in some cool and unexpected celeb cribs

29 Aug 2014

Most A list celebs can have it all! the money, the pimped up crib, the beautiful partner ... and so that's why it's nice compliment when they choose to get Ambient Lounge for their pad and even shout out a tweet or pic about it. Here's just a few we have come across:

Prolific Australian Actor, Damien Walshe-Howling is best known for his portayal of hard-nut Andrew "Benji" Veniamen in the first series of Crime Drama Underbelly and as Constable Adam Cooper in Blue Heelers. However rugged and cool he looks, Damien likes to soften up and relax in his home with his Ambient Lounge Acoustic Sofa. (See pic below)


Talented and super-cute rising UK star Carrie Hope-Fletcher is a musician, actress and writer who is currently playing Eponine in Les Miserable in the West End of London. She has released hit singles in 2013 and 2014 and is set to star in War of the Worlds tour later this year. Carrie also has more than half a million fans on her You Tube channel and fell in love with our Wildberry Butterfly Sofa after sitting in one at a music producer's party in london. Now she has her own and is enamoured by it ... 

One Direction's Harry Styles, his mum Anne Cox (see 'mama twist' pic below) and his cousin Matty Selley all own Ambient Lounge Butterfly Sofas. 

Andy Samuels (pictured below on his ever-popular Instagram account) is a super cool dude... and pizza and bean bags never looked so damn good with his @ambientlounge bean bag collection. 



It seems in Australia we've been a bit of a hit with the AFL players community.

Footy superstars, Gary Ablett,  Lance 'Buddy' Franklin, Scott Pendlebury (pictured below) Jack Riewoldt, Dane Swan and Nic Naitanui all have multiple @ambientlounge bean bags lining their crib.

Here's what happened when Nic Nat's Ambient Lounge beans arrived!