Bean bags replace desks as traditional schooling gets a facelift - Herald Sun (Melbourne)

08 Dec 2011

Melbourne's most read newspaper, the Herald Sun has today outlined that bean bag furniture could be the way forward for progressive school and actually contribute to a higher learning environment.

Evonne Barry writes: "CLASSROOMS across the state are being super-sized, as traditional schooling is given a facelift. Formal rows of desks are increasingly being replaced with couches and bean bags in primary and secondary schools" . Education experts are lauding the evolution of "flexible classrooms" such as the new facilities at Auburn primary school. Auburn's Principal Marcia Lane said combining year levels in a less formal setting had academic and social benefits.

Bean bags such as the Ambient Lounge Evolution allow the students to sit up in a naturally attentive position and facilititates a less formal way of learning for the children. This allows them to stay motivated for longer and generally makes school more fun.

For more of this Herald Sun story on bean bags, see this bean bag link.