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6 Ways to Declutter and Redecorate Your Aussie Home

04 Jan 2023
by Aly Alcantara

small living space with ambient lounge modular set

It’s a whole new year and it’s time to say “out with the old and in with the new”. 

When it comes to redecorating your Aussie home, it can be a daunting task. From moving furniture around to finding the right pieces to fit in the right spaces, it can be quite overwhelming. But with the right decluttering tips and redecorating tips, you can make your home look amazing without breaking the bank. 

In this blog post, we will be providing 6 Aussie decluttering and redecorating tips that can help you transform your home furniture and create a stunning space.

Not only will you get rid of the clutter and freshen up your home furniture AU, but you'll also be able to create a cozy, inviting atmosphere in your home!

Get Rid of Anything You Haven’t Used in the Past Year

clutter basket with toys to donate and sell

The first step to decluttering your Aussie home is to get rid of anything you haven't used in the past year. Look around your house and identify any items that are taking up unnecessary space. If you haven't used it in the last year, it's time to let it go. Just donate these items or sell them for some extra cash.

Once you've cleared up some space in your home, consider adding new elements. New tables, accent pieces such as bean bag chairs, bean bag loungers, and luxury bean bags can be great things to add to your home. It's a good thing to note that luxury bean bags are also incredibly versatile and comfortable, making them a great choice if you want something more plush than traditional furniture to brighten up your home for 2023. 

Invest in Good Storage Solutions

boy stuffing toys at storage

Having the right storage pieces can help organize and maximize your space, making it easier to find what you need and clear out any clutter. 

Whatever type of storage you choose, make sure it fits in with your home's aesthetic and is practical for your lifestyle. You want pieces that will fit within the existing layout of your home, rather than buying large items that create further clutter. 

Finally, when selecting storage containers, choose ones made with natural fibers, such as wicker or bamboo. They look great while also being lightweight and easy to move around when needed.

Donate or Sell Anything You Don’t Need

decluttered clothed to donate

 If you have items that you no longer use, consider donating or selling them. To donate, check out local charities or organizations that accept donations. 

This is a great way to give back to your community and help those who may not be able to afford things such as furniture and clothes. To sell, consider having a garage sale or listing items on a marketplace website.

Repaint or Wallpaper One Room

living room with an ambient lounge Modular sofa

Repainting or wallpapering a single room is an easy and inexpensive way to make a dramatic change in the look of your home. 

Plus, it will help you declutter your home as you’ll be able to easily spot any items that need to be moved out of the way. If you don’t have much experience with painting or wallpapering, you can always enlist the help of professionals.

Rearrange Your Furniture

nice living space with ambient lounge butterfly sofa

Take a look around your space and decide how you want it to look. Think about where the best places to put your furniture are, in terms of flow and balance. For example, consider moving the sofa away from the wall to create a more inviting atmosphere.

Bean bags au can be great for creating flexible seating options that can easily be moved around. Bean bag chairs, bean bag loungers, and bean bag furniture come in various styles, shapes, and sizes, making them perfect for Aussie homes.

Add Some Greenery

space with indoor greens and ambient lounge sofas

Greeneries can be a great way to make your home look more alive and inviting. Adding plants, flowers, and even trees is a simple and cost-effective way to bring life into your home. Not only will they add color, but they also bring in fresh air and help purify the air around you. 

Transform Your Home With These Tips

By following these six tips, you'll be able to turn your home into an inviting and stylish place for you and your family to enjoy. From getting rid of items that you haven't used in the past year, to investing in good storage solutions and adding some greenery, you’ll be on your way to achieving a beautiful home. 

With these tips in mind, you'll be sure to declutter and redecorate your Aussie home in no time! 

Need help checking out new furniture to add to your home? Check out our fan faves like our butterfly sofa and acoustic sofa which comes in several colours. 

Send us a message via socials @ambientlounge or live chat with is to get suggestions on what bean bag loungers and other luxury home decor to get. 


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