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08 Aug 2011
Beanbags are wonderful things; comfortable, portable and affordable, but have you ever tried to fill a bean bag from a bucket? If you have, then you know why many people shy away from the joy of owning one of these wonderfully comfortable products simply because they are impossible to fill without a huge logistical operation and a mess like a bomb-blast! Well, you bean filling haters, those days are over. ambient Lounge products now feature the patented 'Funnelweb' Filling system that eliminates the angst. No more standing in the bath with three people trying to fill a narrow bean bag opening. No more electro-static polystyrene balls clinging to your clothes. Simply zip on teh bag of beans and transfer them in.... WITH NO SPILLAGE! Check it out on the ambient Lounge site. Now you can enjoy the style and comfort of a leading design piece of furniture without the pain. Easy. Simple. Bean bag filling has come of age.